Bob saget and gay saget

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He volunteered actively and eventually became a board member of the Scleroderma Research Foundation, raising millions of dollars and hosting his signature comedy show Hot Cuisine, Cool Comedy for the cause. Her illness and death was a terrible shock to the family and Bob would say his parents suffered from PTSD as a result of the experience of caring for Gay through her illness.īob was a dedicated advocate for the scleroderma cause for more than 25 years. There is no cure.īob’s sister, Gay, a schoolteacher, became very sick and ultimately died from scleroderma at 47. It involves the hardening of skin and connective tissue, and often significantly affects internal organs. Scleroderma is a rare auto-immune disease. But there was another side to Bob that many do not know about - it has to do with a disease called scleroderma. Many have heard about the unexpected death of beloved actor, host, and comedian Bob Saget last month - and if you are like me, and thousands of other people across North America, we are collectively saddened.Īs a charismatic television entertainer, Bob brought a lot of laughter to generations of people across North America.

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